
elibrary is our central search engine. Most results are available in full text or can be checked for online accessibility with the MPG/SFX-button.

The elibrary search includes the following sources:
Local Library Collection: printed books and journals, theses, eBooks (~6 200 items)
MPG eBooks: all MPG eBooks (~ 556 600 items)
Online Contents: article metadata (~44 000 000 items)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals): open access eJournals and articles (~1 830 00 items)

Resource Navigator: The institute offers a large amount of electronic resources like reference and full text databases, Journal Collections etc. You can use the Resource Navigator to search for a special source.

All databases are available within our IP range, without extra passwords. To use the databases outside the institutes IP range we offer Remote Access or VPN access.

SFX is a context sensitive linking product licensed by the Max Planck Society for the “intelligent” integration of various reference databases, library catalogues, full text collections and other scientific information resources available to staff and guests of the Max Planck Society.

The button is the direct connection integrated in the scientific source and leads to full text articles, if available. If there is no licensed or free full text, you get further information e. g. request document via your local MPI Library.

By means of MPG Citation Linker you can access relevant MPG/SFX Services directly, without performing a database search first. This is a particularly convenient way to check if any relevant resources (such as the electronic full text) are available for a specific item you have bibliographic information about.

Please note that SFX only works within the IP range of the institute.

Many researchers use Google Scholar to search for sources but many of the articles you will find are from sources which require a subscription for access. Please consult our librarian whether the subscription you may require is available.

To make this easier the institute library participates in Google Scholars Library Linking program.

This means that when you do a search in Google Scholar you will be able to see what journals you have access to through library subscriptions both electronically and in print. If the library has no subscription, the document can be directly requested via the institute library.

Within the institute's IP range the Library Access Links are automatically available. Otherwise you only have to save the institute in your Settings. In order to do so, please

  • choose "Settings" --> "Library links"
  • search for "max planck"
  • select "Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems"
  • save your setting

If a full text is available you find the Library Access Link "Full-Text via MPIPKS" next to your results and if not then you find the link "MPG/SFX" below the metadata, when you click "more".

Please note, that because of incorrect bibliographic data, the identification of resources is not free of mistakes. But most of the results are covered.

Useful external Links

Further library catalogues and databases

Online Catalogue of the MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids comprises the entire monograph and print journal holdings.
Online Catalogue of the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB)
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) is a Meta search interface for of all german University and State libraries, the National Library and a lot of international ones.
Worldcat is a international meta search interface of a lot of US-libraries. Many libraries from other countries participate, too. It is thus the world's largest library catalogue.
Online Catalogue of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW)
Directory of Open Access Books is a list of open access E-Books.
Web of Science