A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Atomic Physics 2014

Scientific Coordinators: Jan-Michael Rost, Thomas Pfeifer
Organisation: Gabi MakoliesRead more

Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing

Scientific Coordinators: Martin Göpfert, Tobias Moser, Fred Wolf
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Pressure and Strain Effects in Correlated Electron Materials

Scientific Coordinators: J. Paul Attfield, James Hamlin, Peter Hirschfeld, Roser Valenti
Organisation: Claudia PönischRead more

New states of matter and their excitations

Scientific Coordinators: Jens H Bardarson, Frank Pollmann
Organisation: Esther-Sharon BartschRead more

Echoes in Complex Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Arseni Goussev, Rodolfo Jalabert, Diego Wisniacki
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Quantum Spin Dynamics: From Exotic Excitations to Novel Transport and Non-Equilibrium Phenomena

Scientific Coordinators: Wolfram Brenig, Alexander L. Chernyshev, Mike Zhitomirsky
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Arbeitstreffen Rydbergphysik

Scientific Coordinators: Jan-Michael Rost, Tilman Pfau
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Topology and Entanglement in Correlated Quantum Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Erez Berg, Nigel Cooper, Frank Pollmann, Xiao-Gang Wen
Organisation: Sabine Strecker, Ester-Sharon BartschRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Causality, Information Transfer and Dynamical Networks

Scientific Coordinators: Jörn Davidsen, Peter Grassberger, Björn Schelter
Organisation: Claudia PönischRead more

ETW Program: Nonlinear Physics at the Nanoscale: A Cross-Fertilization on Stochastic Methods

Scientific Coordinators: Joachim Brand, Sergej Flach, Peter Schwerdtfeger
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

DNA-Based Nanotechnology: Digital Chemistry

Scientific Coordinators: Michael Mertig, Clemens Richert, Hao Yan
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Circle Meeting on Biological Physics

Scientific Coordinators: Guillaume Salbreux, Frank Jülicher
Organisation: Sabine Strecker, Ester-Sharon BartschRead more
Focus Workshop

Topological Matter Out of Equilibrium

Scientific Coordinators: Roderich Moessner, Sid Parameswaran
Organisation: Claudia PönischRead more

Brownian Motion in Confined Geometries

Scientific Coordinators: Sergey M. Bezrukov, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Gerhard Schmid
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Focus Workshop

Recent Progress and Perspectives in Scaling, Multifractality, Interactions, and Topological Effects Near Anderson Transitions

Scientific Coordinators: Ferdinand Evers, Ilya Gruzberg, Victor Kagalovsky
Organisation: Sabine StreckerRead more

Weak Chaos and Weak Turbulence

Scientific Coordinators: Elena Kartashova, Arkady Pikovsky, Dima Shepelyansky
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more