A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Atomic Physics 2015

Scientific Coordinators: Alexander Kuleff, Alexander Eisfeld, Jan-Michael Rost
Organisation: Gabi MakoliesRead more

Martin Gutzwiller's scientific Universe: From Wavefunctions over periodic Orbits to Sun, Moon and Earth

Scientific Coordinators: Jan-Michael Rost, Steven Tomsovic, Dieter Vollhardt
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more

Korrelationstage 2015

Scientific Coordinators: Markus Garst, Stefan Kehrein, Hans-Henning Klauss
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Quantum Transport in One Dimension

Scientific Coordinators: Alexander Mirlin, Felix von Oppen
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Synthetic Quantum Magnetism

Scientific Coordinators: André Eckardt, Maciej Lewenstein, Ian Spielman, Masahito Ueda
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more

Nanoscale Assemblies of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Metal Nanoparticles and Single Molecules: Theory, Experiment and Application

Scientific Coordinators: Alexander Eychmüller, Alexander Govorov, Volkhard May
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Dynamics of Coupled Oscillators: 40 Years of the Kuramoto Model

Scientific Coordinators: Arkady Pikovsky, Antonio Politi, Michael Rosenblum
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Quantum Design

Scientific Coordinators: Andrey Chubukov, Piers Coleman, Dirk K. Morr, Matthias Vojta
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Focus Workshop

Mathematics and Physics of Multilayer Complex Networks

Scientific Coordinators: Alex Arenas, Mason A. Porter
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more

Charge Transfer meets Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Scientific Coordinators: Miles Blencowe, Benjamin Huard, Björn Kubala
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Quantum Correlated Matter and Chaos - A Workshop in Honor of the Life and Work of Richard Prange

Scientific Coordinators: Steven M. Anlage, Shmuel Fishman, Günter Radons
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more
Focus Workshop

Quantum Hardness

Scientific Coordinators: Roderich Moessner, Shivaji Sondhi
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Mandy LocharRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Dynamics of Multi-Level Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Fatihcan Atay, Kristian Lindgren, Eckehard Olbrich
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Amy WrightRead more

Random Walks and Nonlinear Dynamics in the Life of Cells

Scientific Coordinators: Sergey Denisov, Lisa Manning, Vasily Zaburdaev
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Novel Light Sources from Laser-Plasma Interaction

Scientific Coordinators: Michael Bussmann, Mickael Grech, Evangelos Siminos
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Criticality in Biology: A Critical Assessment

Scientific Coordinators: Hugues Chaté, Miguel A. Muñoz
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more
Focus Workshop

Activity meets Biology

Scientific Coordinators: Stephan Grill, Guillaume Salbreux, Vasily Zaburdaev
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Amy WrightRead more

Many-body Dynamics out of Equilibrium

Scientific Coordinators: Jens H. Bardarson, Sid Parameswaran, Frank Pollmann
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more