Description of the program: xrecur

Creates a cross recurrence plot of two different, possibly multivariate, time series given in two files with identical data structure.


xrecur [Options] file1 file2

Everything not being a valid option will be interpreted as a potential datafile name.

Possible options are:

Option Description Default
-m#,# number of components, embedding dimension 1,2
-c# columns to be read 1
-d# delay 1
-r# diameter of the neighborhood 0.001
-k# find at least k neighbors (increments r) not set
-%# print only percentage of dots. Has no effect if -k is set. 100
-l# number of data to use (file1) whole file
-x# number of lines to be ignored (file1) 0
-s# use only every # delay vector (file1) 1
-L# number of data to use (file2) whole file
-X# number of lines to be ignored (file2) 0
-S# use only every # delay vector (file2) 1
-n don't normalize data not set
-o# output file name
without file name: 'file1'_'file2_xrec
If no -o option is given stdout is used
-V# verbosity level
  0: only panic messages
  1: add input/output messages
-h show these options none

Description of the Output

Time indeces of pairs of vectors closer than r in space.
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