Is there universality in the quantum transport of partial barriers?

Matthias Michler

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Dresden

In generic Hamiltonian systems classical transport in the chaotic sea is limited by partial barriers, which allow a flux $\Phi$ given by the turnstile area. Quantum mechanically they are even more restrictive for Planck's constant $h \gg \Phi$, while for $h \ll \Phi$ classical transport is recovered. This transition is qualitatively well understood, however, many quantitative questions are still open. We study the standard map and a designed kicked system, where both have two chaotic regions separated by one dominant partial barrier. We find scaling with the single parameter $\Phi/h$. The results are not described by an overall coupling between upper and lower states, but rather by a channel coupling random matrix model.
