International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 24 - 28, 2008

Focus on
"Quantum dynamics of atoms and molecules
in complex environments"

Bell test for the motion of free material particles

Klaus Hornberger
LMU München
We propose a scheme for the demonstration of entanglement of two macroscopically separate free massive particles, which is based on the concept of dissociation time entanglement. Given two initially bound particles, their state at later time may be called dissociation-time entangled if it is described by a coherent superposition of components corresponding to different separation times. It can be probed by single particle interference in a coincidence arrangement. We investigate to what degree such verification of entanglement by correlated interferometry is possible with dispersive matter waves, and we discuss whether an implementation of the scheme by the controlled dissociation and subsequent atom-optical manipulation of ultracold molecules is realistic with current experimental technology.