International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 24 - 28, 2008


Negative continuum dielectronic recombination in heavy ions

Anton Artemyev
Ruprechts Karls Universität Heidelberg
The theoretical analysis of the process of recombination of an electron with a bare nucleus via the creation of a free-positron--bound-electron pair has been performed. In contrast to other mechanisms of pair creation, this one doesn't require the solution of time-dependent two-center Dirac problem for its theoretical description. The process was named negative continuum dielectronic recombination (NCDR) because it is similar to usual dielectronic recombination (DR). However, in contrast to DR, in NCDR the electron is excited from the negative continuum. We pay special attention to the production of the excited states of He-like ions. Detailed calculations have been performed for the NCDR into ground, single- and double-excited states of He-like uranium.