International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 21 - 25, 2011

Ultrafast dynamics driven with intense XUV and NIR pulses in molecules and nanoparticles

Maria Krikunova
Technische Universität Berlin
High power density near infrared light (NIR) or with XUV radiation are able to produce highly excited non-equilibrium states of matter within femtoseconds. Novel light sources, such as free-electron laser facility in Hamburg FLASH now deliver synchronized ultrashort pulses of comparable intensity in the XUV as well as in the NIR range facilitating studies of dynamical processes within molecules and nanoparticles.  
Our recent results on molecular iodine reveal complex dynamics of competitive electronic and nuclear motion after excitation with FEL as well as NIR pulses. Depending on the timing between both pulses distinct reaction channels were accessed in the same experimental run.
Clusters as nanometer-sized objects provide a unique possibility to follow ultrafast light induced dynamics on single particle. Therefore elastic light scattering technique, ion and fluorescence spectroscopy were combined in pump-probe configuration to assess complex electron and ion dynamics on different timescales from femto- to pico- and even nanosecond range.