International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 26 – 30, 2012

Scattering and absorption of ultracold atoms by nanotubes

Martin Fink
Technische Unversität München
Advanced techniques in cooling and controlling single atoms or ions in combination with sophisticated solid-state techniques in the production of mesoscopic structures have led to a variety of hybrid quantum systems, an interesting new field of physics. Particular attention is currently being given to the fundamental system of a single nanotube interacting with ultracold atoms. An accurate description of this hybrid system is achieved with a proper use of scattering theory together with the exact Casimir-Polder potential. This is by far not a trivial problem due to the two-dimensional character of the scattering process and due to the intricacy of the exact interaction potential. The approach presented for this particular system gives insight into the underlying processes and thus promotes a deeper understanding of hybrid systems, which is essential for the design of future nanodevices.