International Workshop on ATOMIC PHYSICS

November 25 - 29, 2013

TUESDAY evening, November 26 and
THURSDAY evening, November 28

Preliminary list of poster presentations

1 Almajid, Mohammad Adel Coulomb effects in two-color atomic ionization
2 Brics, Martins Time-dependent renormalized natural orbital theory applied to the two-electron spin-singlet case:
ground state, linear response, and autoionization
3 Celestino, Alan Nano-scale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling
4 Chapman, Richard Ultrafast EUV Science at Artemis
5 Chu, Xi Role of resonance enhanced multiphoton excitation in HHG of N2: A TDDFT study
6 Choi, Nark Nyul Application of quantum trajectory method to atomic ionization by strong laser pulses
7 Di Cintio, Pierfrancesco Coulomb explosion of heteronuclear clusters irridiated by XFEL pulses
8 Dixit, Gopal Time delay in the recoiling valence-photoemission of Ar@C60
9 Dreissigacker, Ingo Photoelectron circular dichroism of chiral molecules studied with
continuum-state corrected strong-field approximation
10 Förster, Johann Theoretical study of the inversion motion of the ammonia cation with subfemtosecond
resolution for high-harmonic spectroscopy
11 Garg, Manish Attosecond light transients: First applications in atomic and condensed matter systems
12 Genkin, Michael Entangled Rydberg atom pairs on demand
13 Henkel, Jost Parallel detection of XUV and IR photoelectrons enables measurement of the tunneling phase
14 Hollstein, Maximilian Ultrafast charge migration induced by an inner-shell vacancy in diiodomethane
15 Kabachnik, Nikolay Streaking of near-threshold photoelectrons produced in laser-assisted attosecond photoionization
16 Kapoor, Varun Autoionization in time-dependent density functional theory
17 Karamatskou, Antonia Multiphoton ionization in the XUV: Above threshold ionization of Argon
18 Kashenok, Galina Endohedron Ce@C_82+ resonant photoionization
19 Kaushal, Jivesh Attoclock revisited: Effects of long range potentials on strong field ionization
20 Kirova, Teodora Formation of multiple dressed states in hyperfine level systems of Na
21 Kullie, Ossama A time-dependent study of the excited states of mercury dimer
22 Liseykina, Tatyana Plasma-formation dynamics in laser-droplet interaction
23 Magana, Alvaro Implementation of infinite range exterior complex scaling in Bsplines
24 Martinez Mesa, Aliezer Initial conditions for semiclassical surface-hopping dynamical simulations:
Comparison with quantum wavepacket propagation
25 Morales Moreno, Felipe Shaping polarization of attosecond pulses via laser control of electron and hole dynamics
26 Oelze, Tim Dynamics of nanoplasma formation in rare gas clusters as assessed by terahertz field streaking
27 Ovcharenko, Yevheniy Electron dynamics of He nanodroplets induced by intense XUV pulses
28 Plesiat, Etienne Contributions from different orbitals to the high-harmonic spectra of N2
29 Ponomarenko, Olena tba
30 Rapp, Julius Orthohelium in laser fields beyond TDDFT: Doubly excited states made simple
31 Skomorowski, Wojciech Demonstration of nonadiabatic effects in ultracold molecules via anomalous linear
and quadratic Zeeman shifts
32 Skruszewicz, Slavomir Probing molecules in Bchromatic laser fields
33 Toyota, Koudai Control of two different nonadiabatic ionization processes by tuning carrier envelope phase
of high-frequency laser pulses
34 Tudorovskaya, Maria Enhancement and properties of XUV-assisted high harmonic generation
35 Uranga Pina, Llinersy Relaxation and quantum diffusion of atomic and molecular adsorbates
36 Vlaming, Sebastiaan Influence of stochastic environments on quantum transport
37 Zhang, Song-Bin Photoemission spectroscopy with high-intensity short-wavelength lasers
38 Zhang, Song-Bin Theoretical study of molecular electronic coherences by high-harmonic generation
39 Zimmermann, Henri Final state analysis after strong-field excitation of He atoms in intense traveling
and standing light waves
40 Zoubi, Hashem Van-der-Waals stabilized Rydberg aggregates

- posters can be up during the entire workshop week
- for each poster presentation one poster wall will be available
- size of poster walls: 185 cm high x 95 cm wide (portrait format A0: 119 x 84 cm)
double side tape or magnets will be provided