TUESDAY evening, November 26 and
THURSDAY evening, November 28
Preliminary list of poster presentations
1 | Almajid, Mohammad Adel | Coulomb effects in two-color atomic ionization | |
2 | Brics, Martins | Time-dependent renormalized natural orbital theory applied to the two-electron spin-singlet case: ground state, linear response, and autoionization |
3 | Celestino, Alan | Nano-scale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling | |
4 | Chapman, Richard | Ultrafast EUV Science at Artemis | |
5 | Chu, Xi | Role of resonance enhanced multiphoton excitation in HHG of N2: A TDDFT study | |
6 | Choi, Nark Nyul | Application of quantum trajectory method to atomic ionization by strong laser pulses | |
7 | Di Cintio, Pierfrancesco | Coulomb explosion of heteronuclear clusters irridiated by XFEL pulses | |
8 | Dixit, Gopal | Time delay in the recoiling valence-photoemission of Ar@C60 | |
9 | Dreissigacker, Ingo | Photoelectron circular dichroism of chiral molecules studied with continuum-state corrected strong-field approximation |
10 | Förster, Johann | Theoretical study of the inversion motion of the ammonia cation with subfemtosecond resolution for high-harmonic spectroscopy |
11 | Garg, Manish | Attosecond light transients: First applications in atomic and condensed matter systems | |
12 | Genkin, Michael | Entangled Rydberg atom pairs on demand | |
13 | Henkel, Jost | Parallel detection of XUV and IR photoelectrons enables measurement of the tunneling phase | |
14 | Hollstein, Maximilian | Ultrafast charge migration induced by an inner-shell vacancy in diiodomethane | |
15 | Kabachnik, Nikolay | Streaking of near-threshold photoelectrons produced in laser-assisted attosecond photoionization | |
16 | Kapoor, Varun | Autoionization in time-dependent density functional theory | |
17 | Karamatskou, Antonia | Multiphoton ionization in the XUV: Above threshold ionization of Argon | |
18 | Kashenok, Galina | Endohedron Ce@C_82+ resonant photoionization | |
19 | Kaushal, Jivesh | Attoclock revisited: Effects of long range potentials on strong field ionization | |
20 | Kirova, Teodora | Formation of multiple dressed states in hyperfine level systems of Na | |
21 | Kullie, Ossama | A time-dependent study of the excited states of mercury dimer | |
22 | Liseykina, Tatyana | Plasma-formation dynamics in laser-droplet interaction | |
23 | Magana, Alvaro | Implementation of infinite range exterior complex scaling in Bsplines | |
24 | Martinez Mesa, Aliezer | Initial conditions for semiclassical surface-hopping dynamical simulations: Comparison with quantum wavepacket propagation |
25 | Morales Moreno, Felipe | Shaping polarization of attosecond pulses via laser control of electron and hole dynamics | |
26 | Oelze, Tim | Dynamics of nanoplasma formation in rare gas clusters as assessed by terahertz field streaking | |
27 | Ovcharenko, Yevheniy | Electron dynamics of He nanodroplets induced by intense XUV pulses | |
28 | Plesiat, Etienne | Contributions from different orbitals to the high-harmonic spectra of N2 | |
29 | Ponomarenko, Olena | tba | |
30 | Rapp, Julius | Orthohelium in laser fields beyond TDDFT: Doubly excited states made simple | |
31 | Skomorowski, Wojciech | Demonstration of nonadiabatic effects in ultracold molecules via anomalous linear and quadratic Zeeman shifts |
32 | Skruszewicz, Slavomir | Probing molecules in Bchromatic laser fields | |
33 | Toyota, Koudai | Control of two different nonadiabatic ionization processes by tuning carrier envelope phase of high-frequency laser pulses |
34 | Tudorovskaya, Maria | Enhancement and properties of XUV-assisted high harmonic generation | |
35 | Uranga Pina, Llinersy | Relaxation and quantum diffusion of atomic and molecular adsorbates | |
36 | Vlaming, Sebastiaan | Influence of stochastic environments on quantum transport | |
37 | Zhang, Song-Bin | Photoemission spectroscopy with high-intensity short-wavelength lasers | |
38 | Zhang, Song-Bin | Theoretical study of molecular electronic coherences by high-harmonic generation | |
39 | Zimmermann, Henri | Final state analysis after strong-field excitation of He atoms in intense traveling and standing light waves |
40 | Zoubi, Hashem | Van-der-Waals stabilized Rydberg aggregates |
- posters can be up during the entire workshop week
- for each poster presentation one poster wall will be available
- size of poster walls: 185 cm high x 95 cm wide (portrait format A0: 119 x 84 cm)
double side tape or magnets will be provided