International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 23 – 27, 2015

Poster Presentation

Coupled-coherent-states for atomic ionization driven by strong laser pulses

Nark Nyul Choi
Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea
Atomic ionization driven by strong laser pulses is usually described as a time-dependent tunneling process. Tunneling is a quantum process and thus it is not easy to associate trajectories relevant to the process. The coupled-coherent-states (CCS) method developed mainly by D. V. Shalashilin and M. S. Child has attracted a lot of attention because (1) the method employs coherent states (CS) as basis functions moving along classical trajectories and (2) inherent quantum processes such as tunneling can be described by coupling between CS and furthermore (3) the method have the advantage of avoiding the exponential growth of computational resources as the degree of freedom increases. We apply the CCS method to the ionization of the one-dimensional model atom driven by strong laser pulses. Investigating the mechanism of driven tunneling in the CCS method by testing with several kinds of sampling of basis functions, we can find a proper choice of a CCS basis set for atomic driven ionization. And an extension to the real 3-dimensional space is discussed and its preliminary results are presented.