International Workshop on ''Atomic Physics''

November 23 – 27, 2015

Poster Presentation

Feshbach resonances in ultracold 7Li87Rb

Maja Lenz
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Polar molecules have aroused great interest in the last few years since they interact strongly with electric fields and are therefore possible candidates for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. Even though the LiRb molecule is one of the most polar molecules among the alkali-metal diatomics due to the significant difference in the electronegativity between Lithium and Rubidium, it has been produced in ultracold experiments via photoassociation only recently using the 7Li and 85Rb isopotes as well as 6Li and 87Rb. With the measurement of spectroscopic data as well asobservation of heteronuclear Feshbach resonances in Li-Rb mixtures, a precise reconstruction of the interaction potential of the singlet and triplet states was possible. This allows on the other hand precise calculations of bound states and their behaviour in external magnetic fields which can help understanding the measured data, especially the Feshbach resonances.Moreover, understanding the bound state structure is crucial for developing control schemes for molecules. This poster presents the bound state structure of ultracold 7Li87Rb and links some of them with experimentally detected Feshbach resonances.