Effect of diversity in a neuronal model of the wake-sleep cycle

Marco Patriarca

UIB University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

The neuronal dynamics of the wake-sleep cycle is still an open problem. Between very detailed microscopic models describing a high number of interacting neurons and phenomenological models describing the wake-sleep cycle in terms of an effective dynamical system, the two-neuron model introduced by Postnova, Voigt, and Braun [preprint (2009)] represents an appealing compromise. In this work, we generalize this model by constructing a generalized N-neuron model with diversified neurons. It is shown that the response of the system to an external circadian stimulus can be strongly modified when different levels and types of noise and heterogeneity are introduced in the system. The underlying mechanisms are investigated.The model exhibits some typical collective effects, such as stochastic resonance and diversity-induced resonance.
