Role of subthreshold oscillations in liquid computing

Belén Sancristóbal, Raúl Vicente, Andrea Lazar, Gordon Pipa, Jordi García-Ojalvo

Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Rhythmic subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations have been described in intracellular recordings of neurons of several regions of the mammalian brain such the inferior olive, hippocampus, thalamus, and cortex. While still unclear what are their fully functional implications, intrinsic subthreshold oscillations have been shown of being capable to shape spike trains by providing a temporal modulation of the probability of action potential generation.
To test the specific role of subthreshold oscillations in a more general information processing framework we have built a liquid state machine composed of Hodgkin-Huxley type of neurons susceptible to exhibit subthreshold resonances. Specifically, we have tested the computational properties of the recurrent network on a memory task when the subthreshold oscillations are present or blocked. The role of the relative phase of the intrinsic oscillations and their synchronization across neurons is also discussed.
