Andreev reflection between a normal metal and a non-uniform superconductor with coexisting helimagnetic order

The Fulde-Ferell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state has gained a new interest with experimental indications of its presence in CeCoIn5. The present article deals with some properties of nonuniform superconductor with coexisting helimagnetic order which is a good candidate to elaborate tunnel junctions displaying a Josephson spin current at zero voltage[1]. The presence of both superconductor and helimagnetic order parameters affects drastically the tunnel conductance which probe the Andreev states. The conductance between a normal metal and a s-wave non-uniform superconductor with coexisting helimagnetic order has been derived with the Blonder-Tinkham- Klapwijk (BTK) formalism for all barrier parameter from the point contact to the tunneling limit.
