Complex patterns of order parameters in unconventional superconductors

Georgios Varelogiannis

National Technical University of Athens, Department of Physics

We point out that particle-hole asymmetry induced by doping or pressure leads to patterns of triplets of order parameters that necessarilly coexist whenever two of the order parameters are present. As a result, in any antiferromagnetic superconductor, there is coexistence of singlet and staggered triplet superconducting components. we have found a systematic way to predict all such patetrns of unconventional superconducting and particle-hole condensates and we have explored the new qualitative insight that we gain knowing that all order parameters should be treated on the same footing in particular under the influence of a Zeeman magnetic field. We will discuss our results in connection with some controversial issues on novel unconventional superconductors. In particular, we observe novel magnetic field induced transitions that may show the thermodynamic characteristics of Fulde-Ferrel phases. For example, above a given field, in a particle-hole symmetric system we report a transition from d-wave singlet SC to a state in which d-wave singlet SC coexists with staggered triplet SC and SDW. We will argue based on experiments on CeCoIn_5 that this may correspond to the high field state observed in this material. In the same context we will also discuss issues related with the pseudogap in high-T_c cuprates, the parity of the order parameter in organic compounds as well as the possibility for staggered superconductivity in ferromagnetic superconductors.

This work has been done partly in collaboration with P. Thalmeier and partly in collaboration with P.B. Littlewood. Related Refs. arxiv:0804.2450
