Cooperative Phenomena in Statistical Physics: Theory and Applications

Workshop: February 22 - February 28, 1999
Seminar: February 7 - March 5, 1999

Scientific Directors:
  • Michael Baake (Universität Tübingen)
  • Uwe Grimm (TU Chemnitz)
  • Rudolf A. Römer (TU Chemnitz)
  • Michael Schreiber (TU Chemnitz)

  • Format for poster presentations

    For each poster presentation one poster wall will be available.
    These poster walls have the following size (don't feel obliged
    to really fill it - remember that less might be more):

              Width:    97cm
              Height:  250cm


    1 Giovanni Cuniberti (Dresden) The Luttinger model plus an impurity:
    The influence of long-range correlations and non-locality of driven fields on AC electronic transport
    2 Jan de Gier (Utrecht) Bethe Ansatz solution of random tiling models
    3 Ivan Dornic (Saclay) The statistics of persistent events
    4 Jamila Douari (Rabat) Fractional supersymmetry for a generalized anyonic system
    5 M. Ebrahim Fouladvand,
    Farhad Jafarpour (Tehran)
    A multi-species ASEP: A comparison between ordered sequential and random sequential schemes
    6 Pedro S. Goldbaum (Sao Paolo) The Lee-Yang zeros and K-theory
    7 Moritz Höffe, Christoph Richard (Tübingen) Entropy and diffraction of random tilings
    8 Dieter Joseph (Dresden) SOC on quasiperiodic graphs
    9 Valery Krivnov (Moscow) Exactly solvable quantum spin-1/2 models
    10 Klaus Morawetz (Rostock) Formation of correlations and collective phenomena in dense Fermi systems
    11 Alexander Quandt (Cornell) Aspects of one-elemental quasicrystalline systems
    12 Oliver Redner (Tübingen) 2-replica cluster algorithms for critical Ising models with fields
    13 Przemyslaw Repetowicz (Chemnitz) Kac-Ward determinant approach for Ising models on quasiperiodic tilings
    14 Debanand Sa (Dortmund) Potential scattering in Luttinger liquid
    15 Constantin Sobiella (Hannover) Doping induced magnetization plateaux in an integrable spin chain
    16 Ralph Werner (Dortmund) Spin-phonon coupling in CuGeO3
    17 Paul Ziesche (Dresden) Correlation analysis of the 1D Fermi gas with 1/xij2 interaction
    18 Paul Ziesche (Dresden) How correlation suppresses density fluctuations in the unifrom electron gas of 1, 2, or 3 dimensions
    19 Eeuwe S. Zijlstra (Nijmegen) Density of states of the 2D Penrose tiling
    20 Alexander I. Chervanyov (Kharkov) Transport of quantum and classical gases of quasiparticles through porous media

    Fragen, Hinweise ?
    Questions, suggestions ?, Version 19/Feb/99

    MPIPKS Dresden

