Width: 97cm Height: 250cm
1 | Giovanni Cuniberti (Dresden) | The Luttinger model plus an impurity: The influence of long-range correlations and non-locality of driven fields on AC electronic transport |
2 | Jan de Gier (Utrecht) | Bethe Ansatz solution of random tiling models |
3 | Ivan Dornic (Saclay) | The statistics of persistent events |
4 | Jamila Douari (Rabat) | Fractional supersymmetry for a generalized anyonic system |
5 | M. Ebrahim Fouladvand, Farhad Jafarpour (Tehran) |
A multi-species ASEP: A comparison between ordered sequential and random sequential schemes |
6 | Pedro S. Goldbaum (Sao Paolo) | The Lee-Yang zeros and K-theory |
7 | Moritz Höffe, Christoph Richard (Tübingen) | Entropy and diffraction of random tilings |
8 | Dieter Joseph (Dresden) | SOC on quasiperiodic graphs |
9 | Valery Krivnov (Moscow) | Exactly solvable quantum spin-1/2 models |
10 | Klaus Morawetz (Rostock) | Formation of correlations and collective phenomena in dense Fermi systems |
11 | Alexander Quandt (Cornell) | Aspects of one-elemental quasicrystalline systems |
12 | Oliver Redner (Tübingen) | 2-replica cluster algorithms for critical Ising models with fields |
13 | Przemyslaw Repetowicz (Chemnitz) | Kac-Ward determinant approach for Ising models on quasiperiodic tilings |
14 | Debanand Sa (Dortmund) | Potential scattering in Luttinger liquid |
15 | Constantin Sobiella (Hannover) | Doping induced magnetization plateaux in an integrable spin chain |
16 | Ralph Werner (Dortmund) | Spin-phonon coupling in CuGeO3 |
17 | Paul Ziesche (Dresden) | Correlation analysis of the 1D Fermi gas with 1/xij2 interaction |
18 | Paul Ziesche (Dresden) | How correlation suppresses density fluctuations in the unifrom electron gas of 1, 2, or 3 dimensions |
19 | Eeuwe S. Zijlstra (Nijmegen) | Density of states of the 2D Penrose tiling |
20 | Alexander I. Chervanyov (Kharkov) | Transport of quantum and classical gases of quasiparticles through porous media |
Fragen, Hinweise ? Questions, suggestions ? |
coop99@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de, | Version 19/Feb/99 |
COOP99 |
MPIPKS Dresden |
Chemnitz |
Tübingen |