Scattering theory of frequency-dependent current correlation functions

Frank Hekking

Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France

We present a general formalism based on scattering theory to calculate quantum correlation functions involving several time-dependent current operators. A key ingredient is the causality of the scattering matrix, which allows one to deal with arbitrary correlation functions. We use the formalism to calculate the frequency dependent noise of current in an interacting chaotic cavity. Our formalism might also be useful in view of recent developments in full counting statistics of charge transfer, where detecting schemes have been proposed for measurement of frequency dependent spectra of higher moments. Some of these schemes are different from the well-known fictitious spin-detector and therefore generally involve calculation of non-Keldysh-contour-ordered correlation functions. As an illustration of our method we consider various third order correlation functions of current, including the usual third cumulant of current statistics.
