Announcement downloads:

International Workshop
Correlated Electron Systems in High Magnetic Fields

October 13 - 17, 2008

Scientific coordinators:

Victor Fleurov (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)
Victor Kagalovsky (Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel)
Boris Spivak (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
Jochen Wosnitza (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany)


Claudia Poenisch (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)

The aim of the workshop is to foster exchange of ideas between theoreticians and experimentalists using high magnetic fields as a tool for investigating the electronic and magnetic properties of strongly correlated electron systems (SCES) both in three-dimensional and low-dimensional systems. Among the subjects to be covered are the quantum Hall effect, superconductivity, quantum criticality in SCES, low-dimensional magnetism, nanophysics, spintronics and other hot topics. Among the participants there are leading experts from high magnetic field facilities collaborating within EuroMagNET and other key experimental labs as well as theoreticians active in the studies of SCES under extreme conditions.

We plan to organize two plenary talks summarizing key topics in experiment and theory, regular talks (about 40 lectures), 2 poster sessions and a panel session. The latter will summarize the role of very high magnetic field studies in the progress of SCES physics. Besides we plan to use this occasion to commemorate the late Israel Vagner who was the leader of the theory group within EuroMagNET.

Invited speakers:

B. Aronzon (Moscow) N. Hussey (Bristol) M. Potemsky (Grenoble)
Y. Avishay (Beer Sheva) M. Katsnelson (Nijmegen) V. Privman (Potsdam)
T. Baturina (Novosibirsk) M. Kenzelmann (Villigen) C. Proust (Toulouse)
K. Behnia (Paris) D. Khmelnitskii (Cambridge) C. Ruegg (London)
C. Berthier (Grenoble) D. Khokhlov (Moscow) N. Shannon (Bristol)
P. Christianen (Nijmegen) K. Kikoin (Tel Aviv) E. Shimshoni (Haifa)
A. Chudnovskiy (Hamburg) J. König (Bochum) P. Stamp (Vancouver)
S. Dickmann (Chernogolovka) S. Kravchenko (Boston) A. Tagliacozzo (Naples)
Y. Gefen (Rehovot) M. Lang (Frankfurt) V. Vinokur (Argonne)
A. Gerber (Tel Aviv) V. Mineev (Grenoble) J. Zaanen (Leiden)
T. Giamarchi (Geneva) C. de Morais Smith (Utrecht) U. Zeitler (Nijmegen)
S. Gredeskul (Beer Sheva) J.A. Mydosh (Cologne) T. Ziman (Grenoble)
P. Hawrylak (Ottawa) F. Peeters (Antwerpen) S. Zvyagin (Dresden)
A. Honecker (Göttingen) G. Platero (Madrid)  

Applications for participation and poster contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form on the workshop web page (please see URL below). The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee for the workshop is 100 Euro and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute. Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses. Please note that childcare is available upon request.

Deadline for registration is August 15, 2008.

For further information please e-mail to: