Angle resolved photoemission study of the charge density wave state in CeTe2 and CeTe3

Veronique Brouet

Laboratoire de physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

CeTe2 et CeTe3 are metallic layered compounds, where charge density waves occur in square planes of Te. Angle resolved photoemission allows to image their Fermi surface and measure the CDW gap. This illustrates very clearly how the gap opens only on parts of the Fermi Surface exhibiting good nesting properties, whereas other parts remain metallic. I will detail the topology of the Fermi Surface in the CDW state, which is formed of "metallic pockets" created at the intersection of the original Fermi Surface and its translated by the CDW wave vector.

These results have been obtained at the Advanced Light Source (Berkeley) during a stay in the group of Z.-X. Shen and with samples grown by the group of I.R Fisher (Stanford).