Hybridized mechanism of pairing of fermions as those inherent in carbon nanotubes

Igor Karnaukhov

National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, Ukraine

The discovery of high-Tc superconductivity with Tc = 15K in 4 angstrom single-walled carbon nanotubes ( SWNT's) [1] has greatly stimulated the investigation of new mechanisms of superconductivity, and the formulation of adequate low-dimensional models of strongly correlated electron systems. This result, which is comparable to the epoch-making Muller-Bednorz discovery of high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates, leads to a key question about the nature of a mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity in SWNT's, namely: How can a superconducting state be realized with strong repulsive electron-electron interaction in low-dimensional systems such as SWTN's? A two-band fermion model with boundary fields describing the band structure of SWNT is proposed and solved exactly by the nested Bethe ansatz [2]. The fermions, occupying two degenerated subbands that are shifted relative to each other, interact via nner- and inter-band on-site Coulomb interactions, and one-particle and correlated on-site hybridizations. The critical exponents of the correlation functions are calculated using the Bethe ansatz solution and conformal field theory. It is found that a two component electron liquid state, one of which is defined by an attractive effective electron-electron interaction, is realized for strong hybridized interaction. The attractive interaction leads to the formation of a spinless bound state of Cooper-type pairs and dominating correlations of singlet pairs for arbitrary band-fillings. We suggest that this electron pairing mechanism may be the key to resolving the nature of superconductivity in SWNT's.

1. Z.K. Tang et al., Science 292, 2462 (2001).
2. Igor N.Karnaukhov and Cees G.H.Diks, Hybridized mechanism of pairing of fermions in single-walled carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B, v.74, 235432 (2006).
