FLEX and beyond: How to calculate kink and resonance peak within the spin-fluctuation scenario

Dirk Manske

Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany

In this talk I provide an overview on the spin fluctuation scenario using the FLEX approach I discuss the basic idea and various extensions we did over the last years

bilayer effects ('96-'99)
inclusion of a pseudogap ('97-'02)
amplitude fluctuations (FLEX + T-matrix, '97-'03)
Cooper-pair phase fluctuations (combination with BKT theory, '98-'03)

and, finally,

combination with response theory ('96-now).

Furthermore, I contrast FLEX with other approaches, e.g. the spin-fermion model. Finally, I present calculation of the elementary excitations for hole- and electron-doped cuprates and compare with the kink in ARPES and resonance peak in inelastic neutron scattering experiments.
