ARPES spectral function generated by a continued fraction ansatz for the one-electron Green function

Konrad Matho

CNRS, Institut Néel, Grenoble, France

Our continued fraction method (CFM) for the one-electron Green function combines rigorous microscopic expressions for leading spectral moments with a phenomenological Fermi liquid terminator [1,2]. First, I give a general introduction to ARPES theory in the framework of the sudden approximation, involving the one-electron Green function. Then, I discuss the insight provided by the CFM to the following problems:

- Quasiparticle weight and dynamical weight transfer across the correlation gap in the doped Hubbard model

- Energy distribution curve (EDC) at small and interrmediate energy scales. Dispersion of the extrema ("peaks") in the EDC

- Phenomenology of interference between quasiparticle- and background-spectrum

[1] K. Matho, J. of Electr. Spectr. & Rel. Phenom. 117, 13 (2001)

[2] R. Hayn, P. Lombardo and K. Matho, Phys. Rev. B 74, 205124 (2006)
