Angle-resolved photoemission from ferromagnetic 3d-systems:
A combination of the one-step model with the self-consistent LSDA+DMFT approach

Jürgen Braun

University of Hildesheim, Mathematics and applied Informatics, Hildesheim, Germany

An improved formulation of the spin-polarized one-step model of photoemission is proposed which overcomes different limitations of the original theory. Considering the electronic one-particle potential and the many-body self-energy as given quantities, an explicit expression for the relativistic photocurrent is derived. The theory is formulated within a fully relativistic framework for a general nonlocal, complex and energy-dependent self-energy which is based on a combination of the Local Spin Density Approximation (LSDA) and the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT). Using the relativistic version of the layer-dependent Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker (KKR) multiple scattering formalism, the theory applies to arbitrary two-dimensional systems with lateral translational symmetry. Here, a quantitative analysis of experimental photoemission data from ferromagnetic Ni and Fe is presented.
