Renormalization of the band structure and of the underlying Fermi surface
in strongly correlated superconductors

Claudius Gros

J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Frankfurt, Germany

We study the electronic structure of a strongly correlated δ-wave superconducting state. Combining a renormalized mean field theory with direct calculation of matrix elements, we obtain explicit analytical results for the nodal Fermi velocity, v_F, the Fermi wave vector, k_F, and momentum distribution, n_k and the quasiparticle renormalization factor Z. We discuss comparison with ARPES for the HTSC and the difficulties encountered by attempts to understand these results in terms of the a general momentum and frequency dependent self energy.

We discuss, in addition, some of the prevalent methods used to determine the FS and show that they lead generally to erroneous results close to half filling and at low temperatures, due to the large momentum-dependent superconducting gap (pseudogap) below (above) the superconducting transition temperature of the HTSC.

[1] C. Gros, B. Edegger, V.N. Muthukumar, P.W. Anderson, Determining the underlying Fermi surface of strongly correlated superconductors, PNAS 103, 14298 (2006).

[2] B. Edegger, V.N. Muthukumar, C. Gros, P.W. Anderson, Electronic structure of strongly correlated d-wave superconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 207002 (2006).
