Scientific report

Complexity in Periodically Structured Systems
MPIPKS, Dresden, 30 August - 3 September 2010
Scientific Coordination: Cornelia Denz, University of Münster, Germany, and Gian-Luca Oppo, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Aims of the workshop: Spontaneous generation of periodic and aperiodic structures in spatially extended nonlinear systems has been a centerpiece of research in complex systems for a long time. Nowadays, however, technology and sophisticate experiments are capable to generate periodic structures over a wide range of spatial scales. The interaction of nonlinear media with the background structure leads to the formation of super-structures, localization of energy and controllable disorder. The purpose and focus of this workshop is to bring together theory, simulation and experiments of complex systems with periodic background structures. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between atomic and BEC scientists on one side and photonics researchers on the other.

Achievements: The blend of speakers and topics has allowed for a cross-fertilization between BEC with optical lattices and spatially modulated photonic devices. Although the experiments are (naturally) quite different, the theoretical and simulation approaches have many similarities and allow for insights and investigations of common complexity features. Among the highlights of the discussed topics are: localization, gap and discrete solitons, nano-photonic structures, ultracold gases, intracavity photonic crystals, optical realizations of Dirac equations, slow light, waveguide arrays, classical and quantum transport, defect modes, surface waves, random systems, Rabi oscillations, strongly correlated bosons, vortices, compactons, nanowires, and gap-waves.

Invited Speakers & Presenters (Senior Scientists in bold face): F. Abdullaev (Uzbekistan), R. Boyd (USA), C. Conti (Italy), C. Denz (Germany), C. Fort (Italy), D. Gomila (Spain), M. Johansson (Sweden), Y. Kivshar (Australia), V. Konotop (Portugal), Y. Kosevich (Russia), R. Livi (Italy), S. Longhi (Italy), B. Malomed (Israel), M. Molina (Chile), M. Oberthaler (Germany), K. Sengstock (Germany), D. Skryabin (UK), M. Stepic (Serbia), A. Sukhorukov (Australia), B. Theralle (Germany), W. Vos (Netherlands), and M. Weitz (Germany).

Format: The workshop has combined a number of innovative methods to foster deep insight into the field, vivid exchange of active topics of research, addressing of important questions and discussions of future aspects. Apart from the lectures of the distinguished invited speakers that have stimulated a substantial amount of discussion, we organized a round table introduced by experts, special discussion sessions to address special issues of importance, and two poster sessions. A session on research perspectives was based on short presentations of all invited speakers with material about future research directions. The roundtable and the perspective session were broadcasted via video-conferencing with major Centers for Complexity and Nonlinear Science (IFISC Mallorca (Spain), CeNoS Münster, (Germany), INLN Nice (France) and ICSS Strathclyde (UK)). A highlight of stimulating discussion was the "review of last day" discussion of half an hour in the morning of the next lecture day. It revealed to be very important to discuss open questions from the day before, and resulted in a strong commitment of all participants to this discussion in the morning.

Participants and young researchers: The Workshop was attended by 40 participants from 14 different countries and around 20 attendants through the video-conferencing. Poster sessions have been enhanced by short presentations to introduce the material of the posters. Discussion then continued at the specific posters including leading scientists. All young researchers in the PhD and early PostDoc phase have presented their work with outstanding quality for the content and presentation. The discussion sessions have been very successful leading to possible future international collaborations in specific research topics.

Further activities: A publication of the presentations of the workshop as a multiauthor book at Wiley has been suggested to the participants, and is on the way of being prepared.

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