'Ab initio' formation of Rydberg atoms in ultracold plasmas

Yurii Dumin

Russian Academy of Sciences, IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Russia

Formation of Rydberg atoms is a well-known phenomenon in the expanding cold plasmas, which is described usually at the 'empirical' level by the predefined recombination rates. The aim of this report is to present construction and operation of the special algorithm, which is able to resolve formation of the Rydberg atoms from the 'first principles', i.e. in the course of molecular-dynamic tracing of macroscopic plasma parameters. Appearance of the Rydberg atoms is identified by the series of equidistant peaks in the temporal dependence of energy of the whole plasma bunch. These peaks result from the passages of the low-angular-momentum Rydberg electrons in the vicinity of their respective cores. The amplitudes and separations of the peaks can be used to derive characteristics of the Rydberg atoms formed.
