3D roton excitations and supersolids in laser-driven Bose-Einstein condensates

Nils Henkel

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Finite Systems, Dresden, Germany

A striking consequence of long-range interactions in BECs is the appearance of a roton-maxon like dispersion relation, which may lead to self-assembled density modulations, i.e. a BEC with supersolid character. For dipolar interactions, it has been found that one-dimensional supersolids are, indeed, possible.

Here, we investigate the behavior of Bose-condensed atoms, whose electronic groundstate is optically coupled to a highly excited (Rydberg-)state, leading to an isotropic effective interaction with soft-core character. As we show, this interaction gives rise to three-dimensional roton-excitations as well as to the formation of stable supersolid-like density modulations.
