Computational and theoretical study of turbulent collision of inertial particles (I - IV)

Lian-Ping Wang

University of Delaware, Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Newark, USA

Lecture 1, Single-particle statistics of passive inertial particles: governing parameters, Lagrangian statistics, dispersion, settling velocity, direct numerical simulation and theoretical modeling, etc.

Lecture 2, Two-particle statistics of passive inertial particles: kinematic formulation of turbulent geometric collision, radial relative velocity, preferential concentration, radial distribution function, direct numerical simulation and theoretical modeling, etc.

Lecture 3, Hybrid direct numerical simulation and collision efficiency: disturbance flow and hydrodynamic interaction, many-body interaction, governing parameters, hybrid DNS, collision efficiency, outstanding issues, etc.

Lecture 4, Growth of cloud droplets by turbulent collision-coalescence: parameterization of turbulent collection kernel, kinetic collection equation (KCE), numerical methods for KCE, parcel model, interpretation and impact on warm rain initiation, etc.
