The SULDIS (Superintense Ultrashort Laser-Driven Ion Sources) project

Matteo Passoni

Politecnico di Milano

In this talk, the aims and first results of the four-year SULDIS (Superintense Ultrashort Laser-Driven Ion Sources) project are presented. SULDIS aims at attaining major advances in the field of laser-driven ion acceleration [1], exploiting a non-conventional, multidisciplinary approach, joining experimental and theoretical expertise from materials science and engineering with those from laser and plasma physics and computational science. The main ion acceleration mechanisms, from Target Normal Sheath Acceleration to Radiation Pressure and Shock Acceleration, will be theoretically investigated, using simplified analytical models and advanced multi-dimensional PIC simulations, to achieve deeper and more satisfactory understanding. We will also propose improvements and optimizations of the basic schemes. In this context, a major part of the research will focus on the design, production and testing of micro- and nano-engineered targets whose characteristics will be tailored to optimize the production of energetic ions. The experimental, theoretical and numerical results of the first year activities will be presented, together with an outline of the future programs, with special emphasis on the theoretical challenges to be faced to properly understand the behavior of advanced target configurations. [1] A. Macchi, M. Borghesi, M. Passoni, “Ion acceleration by superintense laser pulses”, Reviews of Modern Physics, to be published.
