Dynamics of two-dimensional s-polarized relativistic solitary waves in plasmas

Gonzalo Sanchez-Arriaga

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

The properties of two-dimensional linearly s-polarized solitary waves appearing during laser plasma interactions are investigated. Using the fluid-Maxwell model, a set of equations that describe the waves are derived in the case of a cold and a warm plasma and then solved numerically. The main features, including the amplitude-frequency relationship, are presented and compared with particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations where the solitary waves are excited by a high-intensity laser pulse. The solutions obtained with the fluid model have been used to initialize a PIC code. This technique allows the analysis of different scenarios including the theoretical problems of the solitary wave stability and their collision as well as features already measured during laser-plasma experiments such as the emission of electromagnetic bursts when the waves reach the plasma-vacuum interface, or their expansion on the ion time scale.
