Carrier-Envelope Phase Determination of Relativistically Intense Few-Cycle Pulses by Thomson Backscattering Spectrum

Meng Wen

Peking University

The carrier-envelope phase (CEP) effects of ultra-short laser pulses have been widely investigated from the non-ionizing optics regime to the ionizing intensity regime, even to the relativistic regime. However, according to the literature, the CEP can now only be determined under relativistic intensity or in ultra-relativistic intensity. We propose a novel method to determine the CEP of a relativistic few-cycle laser pulse via the frequency of the Thomson backscattering (TBS) light. We investigate the generation of a flying mirror when a few-cycle drive pulse with relativistic intensity interacts with a target combined with a thin and a thick foil. The frequency of the TBS light generated from the flying mirror shows a sensitive dependence on the CEP of the drive pulse. Our results may also have implications in CEP stabilization that will be necessary to generate single attosecond bursts.
