Entanglement Spectra in Complex Quantum Wavefunctions

International Workshop – 12 - 16 November 2012

Scientific Coordinators:
B. Andrei Bernevig (Princeton University, USA)
Masud Haque (MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)
Andreas Läuchli (Universität Innsbruck, Austria)

Katrin Lantsch (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden, Germany)

The announcement's pdf-file

The last decade has seen an explosion of interdisciplinary work using entanglement-related quantities in condensed matter. Among the many developments within this general theme, the study of the entanglement spectrum has emerged in very recent years as an extremely promising and informative theme.

The entanglement spectrum has surprised a rapidly growing community through ongoing discoveries of a remarkable amount of information contained in its structure. The quantity provides a novel opportunity of wavefunction tomography, the mapping out of the anatomy of complex many-particle wavefunctions. It also contains information about topological order in several unexpected ways.

This focus workshop will bring together researchers who have been studying entanglement spectra in diverse physical systems and models.

The list of invited speakers:

V. Alba (Germany) E. Bergholtz (Germany) P. Calabrese (Italy) J. I. Cirac (Germany) J. Dubail (USA)
B. Estienne (USA) G. Fiete (USA) E. Fradkin (USA) T. Grover (USA) F.D.M. Haldane (USA)
C.L. Henley (USA) T.L. Hughes (USA) J.K. Jain (USA) H. Katsura (Japan) A. Ludwig (USA)
G. Misguich (France) J. Moore (USA) I. Peschel (Germany) D. Poilblanc (France) F. Pollmann (Germany)
X.-L. Qi (USA) S. Rachel (USA) N. Regnault (USA/France) I. Rodriguez (Ireland) J. Schliemann (Germany)
T. Senthil (USA) D. Sheng (USA) S. Simon (UK) J.K. Slingerland (Ireland) B. Swingle (USA)
A.M. Turner (The Netherlands) F. Verstraete (Austria) A. Vishwanath (USA) X.-G. Wen (USA) H. Yao (USA)

Applications for participation and poster or oral contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form on the workshop's web page. The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee for the workshop is 120 EUR and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems. Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses. Please note that childcare is available upon request.

Applications received before 31 August 2012 are considered preferentially.

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