Noise enhancement due to quantum coherence in coupled quantum dots

Gerold Kiesslich

Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Berlin, Germany

We show that the intriguing observation of noise enhancement in the charge transport through two vertically coupled self-assembled quantum dots [1] can be explained by the interplay of quantum coherent coupling between the dots and strong Coulomb blockade. We demonstrate that this novel mechanism for super-Poissonian charge transfer is very sensitive to decoherence caused by electron-phonon scattering as inferred from the measured temperature dependence [2].

[1] P. Barthold, F. Hohls, N. Maire, K. Pierz, and R. J. Haug, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 246804 (2006).

[2] G. Kiesslich, E. Schoell, T. Brandes, F. Hohls, and R. J. Haug, to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett (2007), cond-mat/0706.1737.
