Wave packet formulation of full counting statistics

Gianni Blatter

ETH Zürich, Theoretical Physics, Zürich, Switzerland

We make use of the first-quantized wave-packet formulation of the full counting statistics to describe charge transport in a mesoscopic device. We derive various expressions for the characteristic function generating the full counting statistics, accounting for both energy and time dependence in the scattering process and including exchange effects due to finite overlapping of the incoming wave packets. We apply our results to describe the generic statistical properties of a two-fermion scattering event and find, among other features, sub-binomial statistics for non-entangled incoming states of Slater rank 1, while entangled states of Slater rank 2 may generate super-binomial noise. Another application is concerned with the constant voltage case, where we generalize the original result of Levitov-Lesovik to include effects of energy dependent scattering and finite measurement time, including short time measurements, where we find a non-binomial result.
