For each poster presentation one poster wall will be available.
These poster walls have the following size (don't feel obliged to really fill it):
Width: 97cm
Height: 250cm

Posters can be put up for the full duration of the workshop. Discussions during the breaks are encouraged.

Sabine Andergassen Functional renormalization group for Luttinger liquids with impurities
Mitsuhiro Arikawa Dynamics of one-dimensional S=1/2 XXZ spin chains under magnetic field
Michael Arnold Two-channel Kondo behavior in a 3-level system with a partially broken SU(3) symmetry: Renormalization group analysis
Michael Baenitz NMR evidence for dissimilar types of itinerant electron magnetism in the filled skutterudites NaFe4Sb12 and LaFe4Sb12
Klaus Becker to be announced
Holger Benthien Spin-Ladungstrennung in TTF-TCNQ
Nils Blümer Low-temperature properties of the half-filled frustrated Hubbard model in high dimensions
Hermann Boos Korrelationsfunktionen und quanten Spin-Ketten
Michael Bortz Boundary susceptibility of the open XXZ-Heisenberg chain
Eva Maria Brüning Correlations in semiconducting CeRu4Sn6 probed by 119Sn solid state NMR
Bernd Büchner Electronic properties of Na_1-xCoO_2
Jörg Bünemann (2) Gutzwiller-korrelierte BCS-Wellenfunktionen
Ralf Bulla Strongly correlated electrons in a dissipative environment
Christian Buth Ab initio Green's function formalism for band structures
Tomasz Cichorek Observation of two-channel Kondo state in ThAsSe
Ralph Claessen (1) Fermi surface and electron correlation effects of ferromagnetic iron
(2) The S=1/2 quantum magnet TiOCl studied by photoemission
Maria Daghofer Spin-orbital t-J model for manganites
Rachid Darradi Coupled cluster treatment of the Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet
Joachim Deisenhofer Observation of a Griffiths phase
Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler Ferromangetic vs. spiral ordering in edge-shared CuO21 systems
Bernhard Edegger Influence of electron-lattice interaction in the quarter-filled ladder compound NaV2O5
Dmitri Efremov Orbital ordering and ferroelectricity in manganites in the band approach
Sebastian Eggert Magnetisierungsverteilung und Wellenfunktionen in Spin-Ketten Systemen
Ilya Eremin Analysis of the resonance peak formation in high-Tc cuprates: Upward dispersion and possible isotope effect
Helmut Eschrig to be announced
Hans Gerd Evertz Quarter filled ladders coupled to the lattice
Volker Eyert Extended moment formation and magnetic ordering in trigonal chain compounds
Martin Feldbacher Projektives Quanten-Monte-Carlo für Störstellenprobleme im Rahmen der Dynamischen Molekularfeldtheorie
Noboru Fukushima Tunneling conductivity of Gutzwiller-projected superconducting states
Florian Gebhard Dynamical mean-field theory investigation with the dynamical density-matrix renormalization group method
Claudius Gros Renormalisierter Gutzwiller-Ansatz für Matrix-Elemente
Thomas Hand Spectral properties and spin correlations in the 1D Kondo box: A DMRG study
Stefanie Hartmann Thermal transport properties of YbRh2 (Si1-xGex)2 at low temperatures
Karsten Held Das Füllen des Mott-Hubbard-Gaps mit steigender Temperatur
Joachim Hemberger Geometric frustration in thiospinels
Martin Hohenadler Photoemission spectra of many-polaron systems
Arnd Hübsch Renormierung des periodischen Anderson-Modells
Dieter Ihle Green's function theory of anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets
Torben Jabben Charge gaps and quasi-particle bands in the ionic Hubbard model
Jakub Jedrak to be announced
Yoshiro Kakehasi Self-consistent projection operator approach to nonlocal excitation spectra
Igor Karnaukhov Exact solution of the Hubbard model with boundary hoppings and fields
Michal Karski Second order metal-insulator transition in the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model
Georg Keller Full orbital LDA+DMFT scheme and its application to strongly correlated materials
Stefan Kettemann Spin correlations in disordered metals
Hans-Henning Klauss Transverse magnetization and spin dynamics in the S=1/2 afm spin chain CuPM(NO3)2(H2O)2 studied by NMR
Rüdiger Klingeler Hole doped spin chains in (Sr,Ca,La)14Cu24O41: A 1D model system for the interplay of spin and charge in cuprates
Carsten Knecht High-frequency corrected DMFT-QMC algorithm for multi-band Hubbard models
Klaus Koepernik Magnetische Wechselwirkungen in dotierten Kupraten
Alexei Kolezhuk Gapped spin systems in high magnetic fields
Christian Kolf Distribution of the Kondo temperature in strongly coupled two-level systems: An NRG study
Marcus Kollar Neue analytische Methoden und exakte Resultate für das Bethe-Gitter
Tadeusz K. Kopec Topological Berry phase and composite fermion description of the Mott insulator-to-superconductor transition in high-Tc cuprates
Sanjeev Kumar Interplay of electron-phonon coupling, quenched disorder and magnetic bicriticality of manganites
Michael Lang Molecule-based magnets - model systems for exploring quantum magnetism in reduced dimensions
Thomas C. Lang Dynamic phonons and charge order in a quarter-filled ladder
Christian Laschinger Grenzschichten in korrelierten Elektronensystemen
Markus Lauer Influence of frustration on the electronic and magnetic properties of oxide spinels
Catia Lavalle Excitation content of spectral functions in the 1D t-J model
Frank Lechermann LDA+DMFT investigations on the metal-to-insulator transition in BaVS3
Ute Löw Die Eigenschaften des XXZ-Modells and XYZ-Modells im (transversalen) Magnetfeld
Salvatore Manmana Adaptive time-evolution with DMRG for low dimensional correlated systems
Dirk Manske Investigating the pairing mechanism in high-Tc cuprates: New insights form the elementary excitations
Phivos Mavropoulos Magnetism of transiton metal adatoms and small clusters on surfaces
Franz Michel Lattice dynamics of the Heisenberg chain with finite-frequency phonons
Carmen Mocanu Bosonization of dimerized Hubbard chains
Klaus Morawetz (1) Correlated two-particle scattering on finite cavities
  (2) Metal-insulator transition in quasi-2D electron systems
Karl-Heinz Muetter Ferromagnetism in a hardcore boson model
Harald Nieber Electronic and magnetic properties of a hexanuclear ferric wheel
Satoshi Nishimoto Ring exchange mechanism for triplet superconductivity in a two-chain Hubbard model: Possible relevance to Bechgaard salts
Andreas Osterloh Quantifizierung von Multipartite-Entanglement
Marek Pekala Magneto-transport studies of magnetoresistive manganites
Ingo Peschel Verschränkungsentropien für Quantenketten mit Defekten
Frank Pollmann Spectral functions of some frustrated lattice structures with charge degrees of freedom
Andrey Prokofiev Crystal growth and characterisation of transition metal one-dimensional spin systems
Teodora Radu Field induced magnetic phase transition in Cs2CuC14 as a magnon Bose-Einstein condensation
Julius Reiss Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in the 2-D Hubbard model, a RG and MF approach
Johannes Richter Localized-magnon states in strongly frustrated spin lattices
Daniel Rohe Parametric flows for interacting fermions
Krzysztof Rosciszewski Strong correlations for interacting e_g electron systems
Bernd Rosenow Nonlinear ac conductivity of interacting 1d electron systems
Helge Rosner Sr2Cu(PO4)2 - an unexpected one dimensional spin 1/2 Heisenberg system with isolated CuO1#1 unit
Konrad Samwer Electronic phase separation and mechanical sress in thin manganite films
Dirk Schmalfuß Absence of long range order in a spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the stacked kagome' lattice
Kai Schmidt Magnetic excitations in low-dimensional antiferromagnets: Cuprate ladders and stripe ordered superconductors
Reimar Schmidt Frustration effects in magnetic molecules
Sebastian Schmitt Dynamic charge and spin susceptibility of the Hubbard model
Walter Schnelle Weak itinerant ferromagnetism and half-metallic state among filled skutterudites: MFe4Sb12 (M = Na, K, Ca, Ba, La, Yb)
Rolf Schumann Analytical solution of the Hubbard model on small clusters
Jozef Spalek to be announced
Ivan Spremo Magnetic properties of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a honeycomb lattice
Christoph Suergers Electronic transport in thin Pd films on EuxSr1-xS
Steffen Sykora Quantenphasenübergang im spinlosen Holstein-Modell
Piotr Tomczak The ground state and low-energy excitations in spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on square-kagome lattice - RVB description
Simon Trebst The ALPS project: Open source software for strongly correlated systems
Peter van Dongen Phasendiagramm des 2-Kanal Kondo-Gitter-Modells
Jasper van Wezel An intrinsic limit to quantum coherence due to the classical nature of measuring machines
Stefan Wessel Bosons in optical lattices - from the Mott transition to the Tonks-Girardeau gas
Klaus Wiele Dynamics of s=1/2 spin chain with nearest neighbour- and long-range interaction
Roland Zeyher Phase fluctuations in d-wave superconductors near a Mott transition
Yuzhong Zhang Metal-insulator transition in the quarter-filled frustrated checkerboard lattice
Paul Ziesche The 2-body reduced density matrix of the 3D electron gas and its diagonalizing geminals: Kiball-Overhauser approach and Friedel like phase shift sum rules

korrel05 2005-02-02