Mott transition between a spin-liquid insulator and a metal in three dimensions

Daniel Podolsky

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, Haifa, Israel

I will discuss a bandwidth controlled Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) from a Fermi liquid metal to a quantum spin-liquid insulator in three dimensions. Using a slave rotor approach including gauge fluctuations, we obtain a continuous MIT and discuss finite temperature crossovers in its vicinity. We show that the specific heat C~ln ln (1/T) at the MIT and that the metallic state near the MIT should exhibit a `conductivity minimum' as a function of temperature. We suggest Na4Ir3O8, a 3D spin liquid insulator which becomes metallic under pressure, as a candidate to test our predictions, compute its electron spectral function at the MIT, and discuss spin-orbit effects in the microscopic material.
