BCS-BEC crossover at finite temperature for superfluid trapped Fermi gases

Pierbiagio Pieri

University of Camerino, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Madonna delle Carceri, 62032 Camerino (MC), Italy

We consider the BCS-BEC crossover for a system of trapped Fermi atoms at finite temperature in the superfluid phase. The fermionic system is described by a single-particle self-energy that includes pairing-fluctuation effects in the superfluid phase. The theory reduces to the Popov theory for dilute superfluid fermions for weak coupling and to the Bogoliubov approximation for the composite bosons for strong coupling (where bosonic molecules form as bound-fermion pairs). Comparison of the results of our theory with experiments on cold trapped Fermi atoms as well as with recent QMC simulations will be presented.


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[4] A. Perali, P. Pieri, and G.C. Strinati, cond-mat/0405102.