Dynamical role of anyonic excitation statistics in rapidly rotating Bose gases

Uwe Fischer

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

We show that for rotating harmonically trapped Bose gases in a fractional quantum Hall state, the anyonic excitation statistics in the rotating gas can effectively play a dynamical role. For particular values of the two-dimensional coupling constant $g = -2\pi \hbar2 (2k-1)/m$, where $k$ is a positive integer, the system becomes a noninteracting gas of anyons, with exactly obtainable solutions satisfying Bogomol'nyi self-dual order parameter equations. Attractive Bose gases under rapid rotation thus can be stabilized in the thermodynamic limit due to the anyonic statistics of their quasiparticle excitations.