Thermal convection in simulations of mono-disperse and bi-disperse granular gases

Andrea Puglisi

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

I present results of a simulation study of inelastic hard-disks vibrated in a vertical container. Varying the relevant parameters (inelasticity, number of layers at rest, intensity of the gravity) we are able to obtain a qualitative agreement of our results with recent hydrodynamical predictions [1]. Increasing the inelasticity, a first continuous transition from the absence of convection to one convective roll is observed, followed by a discontinuous transition to two convective rolls, with hysteretic behavior. At fixed inelasticity and increasing gravity, a transition from no convection to one roll can be evidenced. If the gravity is further increased, the roll is eventually suppressed. Increasing the number of monolayers the system eventually localizes mostly at the bottom of the box: in this case multiple convective rolls as well as surface waves appear. We analyze the density and temperature fields and study the existence of symmetry breaking in these fields in the direction perpendicular to the injection of energy. We also study a binary mixture of grains with different properties (inelasticity or diameters). The effect of changing the properties of one of the components is analyzed. The presence of a low-fraction of quasi-elastic impurities is shown to determine a sharp transition between convective and non-convective steady states.

[1] X. He, B. Meerson, and G. Doolen, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 65}, 030301(R) (2002); E. Khain and B. Meerson, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 67}, 021306 (2003).