The precursor ferromagnetic phase of the CMR metallic state probed by spin dynamics


M. Hennion


Laboratoire Léon Brillouin CEA-CNRS, CE Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France



The precursor state of the CMR metallic state is poorly understood. In La1-xBxMnO3,( B=Ca, Sr), in the concentration range 0.125xCa0.22 and 0.1xSr0.17  where the compounds are ferromagnetic, a very unusual temperature behaviour is observed. The systems evolve from a quasi-metallic state below TC towards an insulating state at lower temperatures. The double-exchange alone is insufficient to describe the physics of these compounds and other interactions have to be considered, the origin of which is still unclear. We will review and discuss neutron scattering studies performed on three compounds La0.83Ca0.17MnO3 La7/8Sr 1/8MnO3 and La0.8Ca 0.2MnO3. In the three systems and over the whole temperature range the spin wave spectrum appears splitted into several branches more or less dispersed. In the quasi-metallic state, these levels can be characterised as spin waves confined within nano-size ferromagnetic domains. Within some model, a quantitative analysis of these excitations is proposed. It determines their size, which evolves from 4 lattice spacing (xCa=0.17 and xSr=0.125) to 2 ones (xCa=0.2),  and their magnetic couplings. These couplings are found to be anisotropic, with a strong two-dimensional (2D) character in the xCa=0.17 and xSr=0.125 cases. These observations are interpreted by a charge segregation picture consisting of hole-poor domains, spatially ordered, the mobile holes forming their boundaries. In the case of xSr=0.125, these observations lead to a picture of  2D stripe structure.