Electronic reconstruction in correlated electron heterostructures

Satoshi Okamoto

Department of Physics, Columbia University

Understanding of surface and interface properties of correlated electron materials is an important scientific question and is necessary for possible devices utilizing these materials. In this talk we first present a general discussion of the issues likely to be relevant, including changes in lattice structure, interaction parameters, and electron density redistribution, and then present recent results on the physics associated with charge redistribution in heterostructures, inspired by a recent experiment on band insulator/Mott insulator heterostructures performed by Ohtomo et al.[1], including (1) Hartree-Fock analysis of a realistic three-band model for LaTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructure, the structure grown and measured by Ohtomo et al.,[2] (2) Dynamical-mean-field-theory (DMFT) analysis of a model heterostructure comprised of single-band Hubbard model.[3] In each case, the heterostructure is defined by placing charge +1 at La sites (charge difference between La3+ and Sr2+ ions), and the long-range Coulomb repulsion between conduction (Ti d) electrons is treated by Hartree approximation. We show that spin/orbital orderings in thin heterostructures are generically different from the bulk and that the interface region, ∼ 3 unit cell wide, is always metallic. Predictions for photoemission experiments are made to show how the electronic properties change as a function of position through the interface. Optical conductivity measurements are proposed to investigate the nature of orderings and quasiparticle subbands. Preliminary results of magnetic phase diagram computed by DMFT as a function of layer thickness, interaction and temperature are presented.[4]
This work has been done in collaboration with Andrew J. Millis, and is supported by JSPS, NSF DMR 0338376 and DOE ER46169.

[1]Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2002).
[2]Okamoto and Millis, Nature {\bf 428}, 630 (2004), and Phys. Rev. B 70, 195120 (2004).
[3]Okamoto and Millis, Phys. Rev. B .70, 241104(R) (2004).
[4]Okamoto and Millis (in preparation).