Ultraporous 3-D nanoarchitectures en route to energy- and size-scalable power

Debra R. Rolison

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Surface Chemistry Branch, Washington, USA

Any future success in the global effort to shift energy usage away from fossil fuels will rely on electrical energy storage in batteries and electrochemical capacitors (ECs). A marked improvement in the performance of these power sources is critical for this effort, yet both are mature technologies that have always disregarded Moore's Law [1,2]. Improved performance requires redesigning the reaction interphases in which the fundamental processes that store energy in batteries and ECs occur. Energy researchers are now rethinking the requisite multifunction-mass and charge transport, electronic and ionic conductivity, and electron-transfer kinetics-in light of nanoscience and architectural design in three dimensions [3-5]. The design and fabrication of size- and energy-scalable three-dimensional multifunctional architectures from the appropriate nanoscale building blocks for chemical, physical, and physicochemical charge storage will be highlighted, including the use of "nothing" (void space) and deliberate disorder as design components [6] as well as the importance of reexamining in a nanoscopic form those materials that yielded poor energy-storage performance when used in a macroscopic form.

[1] D.R. Rolison, L.F. Nazar, MRS Bull. 2011, 36(7), 486-493.
[2] A.G. Fedorov, J. Baxter, Z.-X. Bian, G. Chen, D. Danielson, M. Dresselhaus, T.S. Fisher, C. Jones, U. Kortshagen, E. Maginn, N. Manjooran, A. Manthiram, A. Nozik, L. Pilon, D.R. Rolison, T. Sands, L. Shi, D. Sholl, Y.-Y. Wu, Energy Environ. Sci. 2009, 2, 559-588.
[3] J.W. Long, B. Dunn, D.R. Rolison, H.S. White, Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 4463.
[4] D.R. Rolison, J.W. Long, Acc. Chem. Res. 2007, 40, 854.
[5] D.R. Rolison, J.W. Long, J.C. Lytle, A.E. Fischer, C.P. Rhodes, T.M. McEvoy, M.E. Bourg, A.M. Lubers, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2009, 38, 226.
[6] D.R. Rolison, Science 2003, 299, 1698.
