Quantum optics and random matrix theory of coupled PT symmetric resonators

Henning Schomerus

Lancaster University, Department of Physics, Lancaster, UK

Optical realizations of PT symmetry rely on the fact that absorption and amplification are related by time-reversal symmetry. I discuss how microreversibility-breaking quantum noise turns such systems into self-sustained sources of radiation [1], and also describe two universal routes to spontanous symmetry breaking in chaotic coupled resonators [2].

[1] Quantum noise and self-sustained radiation of PT-symmetric systems H. Schomerus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 233601 (2010), arXiv:1001.0539 [quant-ph].
[2] Universal routes to spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in non-hermitian quantum systems H. Schomerus, Phys Rev A Rapid Communication (in press), arXiv:1011.1385
