Iterative path integral summation approach to nonequilibrium quantum transport

Reinhold Egger

Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Düsseldorf, Germany

We have developed a numerically exact approach to compute real-time path integral expressions for quantum transport problems out of equilibrium [1]. The scheme is based on a deterministic iterative summation of the path integral (ISPI) for the generating function of the nonequilibrium current. Self-energies due to the leads, being non-local in time, are fully taken into account within a finite memory time, thereby including non-Markovian effects, and numerical results are extrapolated both to vanishing (Trotter) time discretization and to infinite memory time. The method is applied to nonequilibrium transport through an Anderson dot.

[1] S. Weiss, J. Eckel, M. Thorwart, R. Egger, arXiv:0802.3374
