- Related Publications and Preprints -

  1. Quantum tunneling in the Wigner representation >
    M.S. Marinov and B. Segev
    Phys. Rev. A54 4752 (1996)


  2. Barrier penetration by wave packets and the tunneling times >
    M.S. Marinov and B. Segev
    Phys. Rev. A55 3580 (1997)


  3. Phase-space derivation of propensity rules for energy transfer processes between Born-Oppenheimer surfaces >
    B. Segev and E.J. Heller
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 4004 (2000)

  4. Analytical properties of scattering amplitudes in one-dimensional quantum theory
    M.S. Marinov and B. Segev
    Journ.of Phys.A, Mathematical and General. 29 2839 (1996)


  5. Phase Space Approach for S2-S0 internal conversion in the benzene molecule
    S. Kallush, B. Segev, A. Sergeev and E.J. Heller
    Journal of Chemical Physics, (submitted).


  6. Causality and propagation in the Wigner, Husimi, Glauber, and Kirkwood phase-space representations
    B. Segev
    Physical Review A, (to be submitted).

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