Kondo effect and electrostatic degeneracy in coupled dots system

speaker: D. Quirion
Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Abt von Klitzing, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
time: Th. 31.03.03, 15:30 - 16:20

The Kondo effect is usually associated to a spin effect induced either by magnetic impurities in metals or by a quantum dot containing an odd number of electrons in the outer shell. In this work, we performed transport measurements at very low temperature on two electrostatic coupled quantum dots with separate leads. This system is an experimental realisation of the Anderson model showing a spinless or orbital Kondo effect [1]. In the last months, we extended previous measurements [2] enforcing and developping the analogy mentionned above. Further measurements are in progress to exploit the richness of the physics of this geometry, for example studying the interaction between orbital and spin Kondo effects [3].

[1] U. Wilhelm, J. Schmid, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing, Physica E9, 625 (2001).
[2] U. Wilhelm, J. Schmid, J. Weis, K. von Klitzing, Physica E14, 385 (2002).
[3] T. Pohjola, H. Schoeller, G. Schön, Europhys. Lett. 54, 241 (2001).

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