Driven frozen planet configuration in 2D helium
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We report on frozen planet and asymmetric stretch quantum states in planar helium. Under the action of an electromagnetic field, some of these states mantain their strong localization properties and long life times, and thus transform into nondispersive two-electron wave packets. Our ab initio quantum treatment combines Floquet theory, complex dilation, and the representation of the Hamiltonian in suitably chosen coordinates[1], without adjustable parameters. It is equally well adapted to treat the excitation and ionization of ground state atoms by optical fields as of doubly excited Rydberg states under radiofrequency driving. The resulting complex-symmetric, sparse banded generalized eigenvalue problem of rather high dimension is solved using advanced techniques of parallel programming, on one of the largest parallel supercomputers, the Hitachi SR8000-F1 at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.