Recent developments in the search for an FFLO-state

speaker: Andrea Bianchi
Université de Montréal
time: Friday, November 16, 09:10 - 09:55

I will be reviewing recent developments in both experiment and theory on the Fulde-Ferell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state (FFLO). The FFLO is an in-homogenous superconducting state, which is thought to be energetically favorable in clean type-II superconductors when the upper critical field is given by the Chandresekhar-Clogston limit. Recently, the search for the FFLO-state has received renewed interest with the discovery of a second anomaly in the superconducting region of the unconventional superconductor CeCoIn5 where the transition from the normal to the superconducting state becomes first order. Not only is this state actively discussed in heavy Fermion, organic, and non-centrosymmetric superconductors, it is also of interest outside superconductivity for fields such as superfluids of ultracold atomic gases and in color superconductivity in high energy physics.

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