
Note: As you may know, we are not a software company and, after all, you got this package for free, so don't expect anything to be fool-proof, or even comfortable. We have compiled this package only under linux on PCs (32 and 64 bit) and digital unix on alpha workstations. We use it routinely on linux PCs and on Hewlett-Packard alpha.

All you probably have to do is to say

> ./configure
> make
> make install

By default, the executables go to $HOME/bin, you can change that to mydir by

> ./configure --prefix=mydir
In the tcsh, you may need to do as well:
> rehash

If you have a recent version of gnuplot installed at your site and you are impatient, you can now change to the examples directory and try to run gnuplot on any of the .gnu files. These should produce plots similar to those shown as examples in the documentation pages.

Possible installation problems

make: There are many versions of make. We have verified the Makefile with GNU make (Linux: PC) and True64 make (Hewlett-Packard: alpha). Who knows what else can go wrong.

f77/g77, gcc/cc/acc: You can override what configure finds by setting the environment variables FC and CC, respectively. Use double quotes for a multi-word command. We have tested the Fortran routines on g77 (Linux: PC), PGI compiler (Linux: PC), Intel compiler (Linux: PC) and True64 f77 (Hewlett-Packard: alpha). The C routines were tested with gcc (Linux: PC) and True64 cc (Hewlett-Packard: alpha). In any case, the C compiler must be able to handle ANSI C function headers.

size: The Fortran programs allocate memory which might exceed what you can make available. In such a case you need to edit the programs and change these sizes, sometimes also in major sub-programs, sorry. Also, if you request things for which the allocated space is too small, the programs will stop with a brief message asking you to make certain parameters larger. Before you do so, think twice if you aren't misusing the programs - the sizes are chosen generously for normal purposes.

machine constants: Some of the Fortran programs use machine constants. In an emergency, these may be changed in i1mach.f, r1mach.f, and d1mach.f in source_f/slatec

Copyright © (1998-2007) Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber